Churchstanton School Allotments Charity
Charity 310171
Ex-officio: The Rector for the time being
3 Nominative: 2 by the Parish Council (4 years)
1 by the Rector & Churchwardens. (4 years)
Co-optative Trustee: 5 years, by resolution of the Trustees excluding retiring one.
Income: From letting land or, after sale of the land, income from the capital.
1. Upkeep of the property.
2. Benefit of persons under 25 years of age
(a) scholarships, bursaries etc. for approved education.
(b) tools, clothing, travel etc. for professional development
(c) promote religious education, Sunday schools etc.
(d) other education, incl. social and physical training.
Ex-officio: Rector
Nominative (By Rector & Churchwardens) - Ian Hooper
Nominative (By Churchstanton Parish Council) - Andrew Crabbe & Barbara Simpson
Co-optative - Philip Morris
Contact: Ian Hooper, 4, Church Road Cottages, Churchinford, Taunton TA3 7QJ.
Tel: 01823 601347
Ex-officio: The Rector for the time being
3 Nominative: 2 by the Parish Council (4 years)
1 by the Rector & Churchwardens. (4 years)
Co-optative Trustee: 5 years, by resolution of the Trustees excluding retiring one.
Income: From letting land or, after sale of the land, income from the capital.
1. Upkeep of the property.
2. Benefit of persons under 25 years of age
(a) scholarships, bursaries etc. for approved education.
(b) tools, clothing, travel etc. for professional development
(c) promote religious education, Sunday schools etc.
(d) other education, incl. social and physical training.
Ex-officio: Rector
Nominative (By Rector & Churchwardens) - Ian Hooper
Nominative (By Churchstanton Parish Council) - Andrew Crabbe & Barbara Simpson
Co-optative - Philip Morris
Contact: Ian Hooper, 4, Church Road Cottages, Churchinford, Taunton TA3 7QJ.
Tel: 01823 601347