Churchinford & District Village Hall
Charity: 304516.
Committee consists:
Trustees: Up to 8, elected annually at AGM.
Co-optative Trustees: Up to 3, elected annually by the Trustees after the AGM.
In addition, a number of local organisations can nominate a ‘Representative Trustee’ to the committee.
Current committee (October 2023 > October 2024):
Sean Dyer (Chairperson)
John Chilcott (Treasurer)
Peter Knapp (Secretary)
Linda Knowles (Bookings Officer)
Caroline Nix
Stuart Blatcher (Co-opt)
Bob Ferguson
Jill Fussell
Stuart Wardle (Representative trustee Parish Council)
Contact: Peter Knapp, The Haycotte, Burnworthy Mews, Churchstanton, Taunton. TA3 7DR.
Telephone: 01823 601201 / 07976 836769
Bookings: Linda Knowles
Telephone: 01823 602742 / 07761 484633
Committee consists:
Trustees: Up to 8, elected annually at AGM.
Co-optative Trustees: Up to 3, elected annually by the Trustees after the AGM.
In addition, a number of local organisations can nominate a ‘Representative Trustee’ to the committee.
Current committee (October 2023 > October 2024):
Sean Dyer (Chairperson)
John Chilcott (Treasurer)
Peter Knapp (Secretary)
Linda Knowles (Bookings Officer)
Caroline Nix
Stuart Blatcher (Co-opt)
Bob Ferguson
Jill Fussell
Stuart Wardle (Representative trustee Parish Council)
Contact: Peter Knapp, The Haycotte, Burnworthy Mews, Churchstanton, Taunton. TA3 7DR.
Telephone: 01823 601201 / 07976 836769
Bookings: Linda Knowles
Telephone: 01823 602742 / 07761 484633